About Me
I am a Hungaryan traveler who try to expore the world.
I was very bad student in school but one day I have readen a book “way of a samurai” and this little book inspire me to change my live.
I skip more than one year that time and I have readen hundreds of book to gain some knoledge. I was a fireman and after this time more than 3 years and I have seen a lot want to do something different.
Nowadays I work as a security officer and I work as an enterprenur in part time job.
I try to build my stock portfolio on the stocking market.
Travelling is part of my life becouse I like to know more about the world and want to explore further to see real culture and history.
That is my destiny to know what I did not know before and what I have not seen never.
I hope with my site I can help to people to travel the world easier.